Booking Rules

  • Full members can book courts up to 14 days in advance but not before 7am each morning when new courts become available on this booking system.
  • Weekday Members are restricted to playing during weekdays from 9am to 6pm.
  • Members are encouraged to show the opponent's name on the booking sheets.

Booking Fees, Member Accounts and Top-Ups

  • The booking system charges £0.50 per squash court booking, and £1.00 per tennis court booking at peak times starting at 6.30pm and 7.45pm or 40p per tennis booking at all other times.
  • The booking system keeps an account for each member, and members must have credit in order to book courts.
  • Members credit their booking system accounts as follows.
    • You can purchase credit (£10 minimum) with any credit/debit card when logged into this website. Your transaction will be securely processed by Stripe and your booking system account will be immediately credited.
    • You can purchase £5.00 Top-up Vouchers from the bar. You will then need to login to the booking system website and submit the voucher details in order to credit your account (or you can use the touch screen "kiosk" system at the club with your booking system PIN).


  • Members are encouraged to cancel a court as soon as possible so that the court may be used by other members.
  • The booking fee is automatically refunded when a booking is cancelled more than 48 hours in advance.
  • When the booking is cancelled within 48 hours, the booking fee is only refunded if the court is re-booked by another member.
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