East Grinstead Tennis, Squash and Racketball Club
Ship Street • East Grinstead, West Sussex • RH19 4EE
Tel: 07851 060570
Dear All
I would like to give you all an update on various matters:
Club sessions
These are remaining very popular despite the cold weather. Thank you very much to those who have recently become facilitators. We could do with a few more so please do offer to help.
I think it is superb that we have regular club sessions where members can easily come along to play tennis without having to prebook or arrange anything. In my view the sessions are generally relaxed, friendly and good fun. However, we should not be complacent. Please remember that a club session is often the first experience of the club that a new member will have. If we want to see people join and also renew their membership then we should all try and be as friendly and welcoming as possible please. Also, please be supportive and encouraging during the actual games. Showing annoyance if someone misses a shot or throwing a racket down in a temper is absolutely not acceptable.
I have recently chaired a tennis sub-committee meeting and we are all keen to see new people come along to club sessions and be fully involved in the club. We recognise that for someone who is fairly new to tennis the idea of just turning up to one of these sessions could perhaps feel a bit daunting so we are considering booking out 1 or 2 courts prior to the Saturday club sessions (perhaps from 1.00 to 2.30) for "Rusty Rackets". The idea is that they will get a chance to play with others of a similar level (plus some other members who will make up the numbers and join in). The aim is for them to build up their ability and confidence so they can then gradually merge into playing at a club session.
We really need to have a handful of people who are interested before setting this up so if you are then please speak to me or send an email to tennischair@egtsc.org. Or please speak to another tennis committee member. If you are interested but cannot make that particular time then please do still get in touch and we may be able to offer another time.
Also, just to mention that club sessions are for those of all standards including more experienced players. if you are very experienced then you may find you end up having games with others of a similar standard or perhaps those with less experience. Both are good and we can all benefit from playing with those of different standards and also playing more often.
Box Leagues
Huge thanks to Sion for organising them. As he says regularly, there is a league for everyone! Please contact him if you are interested in joining
American Tournaments
Tony is kindly arranging one for Saturday 30 December at 2 p.m. in place of club session. What better way to run around and burn off some of those calories! A sign-up sheet will go up in the clubhouse a bit nearer the time. We also have further tournaments already planned for 3 February 2024 and 6 March 2024. Thanks to Tony plus Fi and Andy Humphries for continuing to arrange these.
Christmas Party
This is on Friday 15th December. Ticket sales are going really well. If you are able to make it, and have not yet got a ticket, please do purchase from the bar.
Well done to Sion and Sabine for taking on the role of match captains and for those who represent the club in various leagues. We look forward to hearing news of good results for the club in 2024. Please do keep us updated on the scores of these matches and also the standard of cakes provided by the other clubs!
WhatsApp tennis hub
A great source of tennis club updates etc. If you are not on this group and would like to be then please speak to either myself or one of the other administrators (Richard N, Sabine and Sean Byrne) and we will add you to the group.
Social activities for 2024
It would be great to have a small team who could run ad hoc social events otherwise they may simply not happen. If you would be willing to help out (even if only on a one-off basis) then please speak to me or another tennis committee member.
Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions (of a constructive tennis related nature!) please do let me know.
Julian (Tennis Chairman)
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
May 2023
April 2023
Hotmail/Outlook Users
GMail Users
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